News, insights and advice supplied by What Doctors Don’t Tell You magazine, the world’s foremost source of alternative and complimentary health information. Find out more by visiting

October 2024 issue

The sounds of silence

The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines ushered in a new medical technology. But studies showing it can kill are being suppressed. Top US and Canadian medics surveyed 326 autopsy reports and concluded that two-thirds of the deaths were due to – or contributed to by – Covid vaccination.

Food for thought

A study in Finland and Sweden found that what you eat has a massive impact on your brain health. Patrick Holford, leading nutrition expert and founder of the Food for the Brain Foundation, outlines what you should be eating to protect your brain and prevent cognitive decline .

Fixing fatigue

Women often say the first thing they notice as their health begins to spiral downward was a change in their energy level. Marcelle Pick concludes that dealing with toxins and trauma could be the key to recovering from debilitating adrenal fatigue, and restoring you to a healthy life .

The golden touch

Using the body’s own “touchscreen”, it’s possible to relieve pain and other ailments while promoting free movement and well-being. When you start talking to EMMETT practitioners and their patients, the effectiveness of light finger pressure technique quickly becomes apparent.

A pain in the neck

The human neck is a wonderful and intricate invention made up of seven cervical vertebrae and discs. Physiotherapist Will Harlow, who specialises in helping over 50s stay mobile and active, shares his top exercises for relieving neck pain and stiffness as well as avoiding arthritis.

September 2024 issue

Hey, doctor! Leave those tonsils alone

The tonsils are the immune system’s “learning centre” and understanding their vital role also points the way to safer vaccines. Those who’ve had their tonsils or adenoids out have a 50 percent greater risk of asthma, influenza or pneumonia than those who haven’t had the procedure .

Sepsis: the silent killer

Symptoms are often mistaken for another problem and it’s most common in older adults. There are six signs that doctors often miss… slurred speech, extreme shivering or muscle pain, passing no urine for five hours, severe breathlessness and skin that’s blue, mottled or discoloured.

Wine not?

The “alcohol guidelines” are now much lower than they were a decade ago and, as a result, many now believe that alcohol is more harmful than they thought. But in tests, wine not grape juice significantly increased antioxidant capacity and resulted in beneficial changes to blood vessels.

Chipping away at childhood cancer

Pediatric oncology specialist Dagmara Beine shares what she’s learnt from personal experience and recommends integrative therapies for treating increasingly common cancers in kids. She offers a range of options that are among the safest and most effective for children.

Powerful pick-me-ups

Conventional drug treatments aren’t as effective as we are led to believe. Antidepressants such as SSRIs and SNRIs are only marginally successful. But traditional and newer research reveal that drug-free methods often work better, without the side effects you get with drug therapies.

July / August 2024 issue

Move over, cigarettes – obesity is the new major cause of cancer

A new study has identified obesity and extra weight as the greatest cause of cancer, responsible for around 40 percent of all cases. It accounts of 20% of all cancers and around 80 percent of lung cancers.

The dark side of ADHD drugs

Stimulants are so in demand they are hard to get hold of, but WDDTY suggests the unadvertised side effects of amphetamines are not so appealing. By 2023, over 10 percent of 23/24 year-olds were on amphetamines and over 11 percent of children had been diagnosed with ADHD.

The hormone disruptors in your home

You may be thinking of environmental disasters as the kinds of events that allow endocrine disruptor chemicals to wreck havoc on our health. But most of us bring them into out homes without knowing it. WDDTY identifies the ones to watch out for and how to avoid them.

Your homeopathic travel kit

WDDTY launches a new column on homeopathic treatment and noted British homeopath, David Needleman, builds an essential first-aid kit for the summer holidays. He covers long-haul flights across time zones, burns, bites & stings, digestive issues and special remedies for children.

Putting all your eggs in one basket

Polycystic ovary syndrome is thought to be all about cysts growing on ovaries. But it turns out that this mysterious condition has other causes and treatments, many of them directly related to a diet filled with highly processed and sugar-laden foods and modern pharmaceuticals.

June 2024 issue

How sugar causes cancer

A major breakthrough. Research has discovered that when sugar (usually from fast food) gets broken down to create energy, it produces the reactive compound MGO which disrupts call function, damages DNA and switches off anti-cancer genes. So what to do?

10,000 steps? No, make that 3,000

The original 10,000 steps was dreamed up by an advertising agency but it became an idea that caught on. Since then, researchers haven’t been able to agree the number of steps needed to stay healthy. However, it seems the benefits start after a short 3,000 step stroll.

The good-guy gut

In 2021, a global study found that around 40% of the world population suffers from at least one digestive disorder. It seems a depleted gut microbiome lies behind a host of modern degenerative diseases but Dr William Davis, author of Super Gut, has the necessary solution.

Essentially balanced

Studies reveal the power that scents have over positive or negative associations, which can influence your levels of both “feel-good” hormones and the stress hormone cortisol. Essential oils are revealed to sooth stress, balance hormones and help you feel your best again.

Supplements in the spotlight

Most would admit to feeling confused about supplements. When do I need to take them, how long for, how to choose the one(s) for me. And then there’s the additives…fillers, flavours, colours, coatings, binding agents, anti-caking agents and so on. Fear not, help is at hand.

May 2024 issue

Processed to Death

We all know that processed food is bad for us. But how bad exactly and what can it actually do to our health? In addition, when it comes to manufactures food, there’s both processed and ultra-processed, according to researchers at the University of São Paulo in Brazil.

Castor Oil Comeback

An old Medical staple is being revived. An item that was once thought essential and appeared in every doctor’s bag was suddenly usurped by the promise of wonderful new pharmaceuticals. Now popular again, today’s pill purveyors lost no time in calling it dangerous.

Guts, glory and IBS

There’s no single cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome but the relationship between hormonal balance and digestive function is essential to consider. Women are twice as likely to be diagnosed and Marcelle Pick describes how different hormones can impact on IBS.

Faking it for fasting

In today’s toxic world, it’s the rare individual who doesn’t present with an overburden of chemicals and pollutants in their body, not to mention the epidemic of obesity. The latest craze is a diet that mimics fasting. But does it work like the real thing? WDDTY investigates.

Healing herbs for women

Medicinal plants are used to treat all sorts of women’s health problems, from infertility and heavy periods to cystitis and hot flushes. Herbalist Elisabeth shares a batch of her favourite plant remedies and recipes for healing common women’s health issues and more.

April 2024 issue

How chemo makes cancer come back

New research has demonstrated how chemotherapy wakes up dormant cancer cells and helps spread the disease to healthy cells and organs – encouraging the disease to come back stronger and less treatable the second time around. Here are some alternatives.

The healing power of breath

We do it 25,000 times or so a day but rarely give it a passing thought. Poor breathing is contributing to soaring rates of sleep apnoea, chronic nasal obstruction , anxiety , asthma, panic attacks, depression, headaches, hypertension and autoimmune diseases.

A bolt to the brain

Although depression is a worldwide epidemic, the various drugs use to treat it don’t work well or come with a load of side effects: at best up to 30 percent of people with depression improve only partially or not at all. Kate Montana reports a new non-drug way to stimulate healing.

Grow your own medicine

Kat Maier presents a trio od herbs for health and healing. If you’re looking to begin a home herbal apothecary, this selection of multipurpose plants is a great way to start. It includes how to make a herbal oil using fresh plant material and how to make a herbal tincture.

Tip the balance for type 2 diabetes

An acidic diet can lead to type 2 diabetes and a host of other health problems, says author and health Ross Bridgeford. Here she tells us how an alkaline approach to eating can transform your health, providing a comprehensive list of acid and alkaline foods.

March 2024 issue

Is it Smart to take Smart drugs?

Smart drugs (nootropics) are designed to boost your memory and keep you focussed. But do they really work? It turns out there may be significant benefits, especially true for delayed recall, such as remembering names and places.

The Covid-19 Vaccine: the true fallout

Brian Hooke, a bioengineer and chemist, teamed up with Robert F.Kennedy Jr to scour science and uncover well-controlled studies comparing the incidence of heart problems and more between the vaxed and unvaxed. Here’s what they discovered.

How to heal your gut

The balance of bacteria in your gut can have a big impact on your estrogen levels and your health. If your gut is out of balance, levels of this important hormone may be skewed. Marcelle Pick shows how to heal your gut for long-lasting hormonal health.

Water under the microscope

Among all the claims about “good” and “bad” commercial water, initial evidence suggests that some types can be structured to be far healthier than the rest. For instance, alkaline water’s free electrons take free radicals out of circulation.

The cold-water cure

It’s a simple therapy by naturopathic doctor and post-traumatic stress specialist Heather Herington reveals how cold-water therapy can help heal. She concludes that a brief change in body temperature can affect the body and the mind profoundly.

February 2024 issue

Statins feedback

Researchers conclude that Statins can increase the risk of contracting Alzheimer’s and dementia. It turns out we need LDL cholesterol (the so-called ‘bad’ fat) and benefit from eating a high-fat diet. Histamines are also worth a look.

A kick in the teeth

Getting to the root cause of the modern epidemic of misaligned teeth and jaws. Contrary to what you’ll hear from the orthodontics industry they missed the damage being done by standard treatments and a complete revision of training is now overdue.

Drowning in plastic

We are drowning in plastics in every corner of our lives, causing a host of serious health issues. Celeste McGovern illustrates the enormity of the problem and shows what we can do to protect ourselves, revisiting all aspects fo our day-to-day life.

The drug don’t work

Alzheimer’s drugs aren’t the answer to dementia says Dr Jerry Thompson. Taking an individualised approach that considers the potential root causes might present a better way to go. The plaque theory hasn’t helped, so where to now?

Good Bones

There’s a lot of fear mongering when it comes to fracture risk in older women. Less dense bone can support if it’s string and healthy. Poor-quality bone is what increases risk, not low density alone. Nurse practitioner Marcelle Pick offers advice.

January 2024 issue

Grind us our daily bread

Has modern processing turned our staple food into an empty filler? Do you really have gluten sensitivity? Or is it the way wheat is processed? WDDTY investigates the health benefits of bread baked with fresh-ground whole grain flour.

The worm turns

Intestinal parasites are known to cause illness, but some worms may be the secret to sorting gut problems. We’re not getting exposed to organisms, we’re using a healthy symbiotic relationship that we’ve had for millions of years.

Recharge your batteries

When you are constantly responding to stress, overworked adrenal glands and insulin resistance are common causes of fatigue, weight gain and other symptoms in women. Here’s how to recharge your batteries for better health.

Elevate your immune system

A group of powerful plants and fungi, known as adaptogens, can help your body fend off colds, flu and all manner of bugs this winter. Functional food entrepreneur Tero Isokakauppila and herbalist Danielle Ryan Broida reveal all.

Healing Cancer: stop bugging me

Certain parasites are linked to a host of health problems – even including cancer, says Dr Leigh Erin Connealy. She suggests you check a list of unexplained symptoms, explaining what to do if you find you’re infected.

November /December 2023 issue

ADHD : The chicken or the egg

Although medical authorities have focused on the potential deadliness of recreational drugs, combination drugs regularly prescribed for ADHD hold the same or even greater risks. ADHD and poly-drug use presents pages of links.

Oiling up the Brain

Essential oils stimulate the vagus nerve, a central and critical conduit that connects the brain to every organ system. This article explores the evidence base that essential oils can prevent and deal with mental health disorders.

In the noni

Indigenous healers in tropical regions have long known of a foul-smelling fruit that treats a range of conditions – even cancer. Cate Montana shares how she learned about it and why it works. It’s a plant that seems to know what to do.

“My life was shattered by the Covid jab”

Award-winning author and entrepreneur Caroline Pover suffered a devastating reaction of AstraZeneca’s Covid vaccine. Here she tells us how she is surviving her new normal. (Also buy a copy of the Covid Report at

The real guinea pigs

The use of animal research in drug toxicity testing doesn’t safeguard humans, argues Pandora Pound, research director at the Safer Medicines Trust. So if a drug appears safe in animals how can it prove to be toxic to humans??

October 2023 issue

Is keto the answer to heart disease

The idea that saturated fats cause heart disease is being disproven by the day. “Free sugars” are shown as the real culprit and people with “bad cholesterol” live longer and are protected against infection, cancers and Alzheimer’s.

Love your arteries

A thorough review of scientific evidence indicates that coronary arteries with uninterrupted and abundant access to vitamin C will never develop artery-plugging plaques. Even reversal of blockages can be a realistic goal.

Beyond crack ‘n’crunch

Chiropractic is well known for helping to realign the spine, but it has a long history of healing high blood pressure, autoimmune diseases and much more. Find out where it started and its developing impact on the nervous system.

Herbal healing from your kitchen

It’s easy to create your own home apothecary using common kitchen herbs, says renowned herbalist Kat Maier. Here in an extract from her recent book she presents a healthy sprinkling of her favourite healing herbs and recipes.

Reset your nervous system

Past trauma can have a lasting impact of your nervous system, says Alex Howard, therapist and founder of the Optimum Health Clinic. Here he presents his RESET program that calmly and gently helps it reconnect to your body.

September 2023 issue

Smoke gets in the skies

The airline industry may soon be forced to accept that toxic fumes from the engines can get into airplane cabins and they are causing chronic health problems, including fatigue, depression, blurred vision and cognitive disorders.

Tangled up in blue

Within a decade of LED lights’ debut in the early 2000s, opthalmologists were noting incidents of blue light eye injury. Here, Celeste McGovern investigates the damage and considers a wide range of ways for protecting eyesight.

The Eco Doctor: No need to panic

Correcting low blood sugar and depleted minerals can cure a patient’s perplexing manic attacks. Dr Jenny Goodman reveals how low blood sugar level can result in a feeling of panic because the body thinks it’s dying of starvation.

Spinning out of control

It comes out of nowhere. Suddenly the room – the whole world- spins sickeningly round and round. You feel you’re at the centre of a tornado. falling, with no sense of balance. Vertigo has many causes but help is at hand.

Your 28-day hormone reset

Wherever you are on your menopause journey, you can reset your health with a hormone-balancing ketogenic diet. It can be a game-changer, especially for menopausal women with symptoms like weight gain, low energy and erratic moods.

July / August 2023 issue

Antidepressants : pain, no gain

Antidepressants are the only drug that doctors are advised to prescribe for chronic pain. But a new study says they don’t work and NICE suggests doctors forget about the drug approach altogether. WDDTY offers a range of alternatives.

Healing from Long Covid

For most Covid is a mild infection that’s gone in weeks if not days while for some symptoms continue to crop up. WDDTY takes a comprehensive look at the problem, offers solutions and includes the recommendation of top FLCCC doctors.

Bugs in the system

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the body telling us all is not well with the microbiome, the trillions of microbes that occupy the colon. Dr Jenny Goodman resolves the problem with a gut-friendly diet and healing herbs and supplements.

Cleaning the cleaner

The liver is one of our most important organs and considering it’s everyone’s most number one cleaner, working to maintain the health and stability of the body and its immune system, it only makes logical sense to keep the cleaner clean.

Give me fever

Integrative cancer doctor, Henning Saupe, explains how his unique heat-harnessing therapy can help wipe out cancer with minimal side effects. Fever therapy triggers reactions in the whole body and is useful for treating cancer tumours.

June 2023 issue

What’s your poison?

Levels of nitrosamines found in recalled batches of Zantac were four times the safe limit – so high it was found in laboratory tests to be a powerful carcinogen that raised the risk of developing cancer in one in every 3,000 users.

Breath for the brain

Hyperbaric oxygen is being used to treat a host of brain conditions, from stroke to cognitive. Two out of five patients in the Hyperbaric group no longer met the criteria for fibromyalgia while drug treatment showed no success at all.

Blooming Healthy

Healthy soil means healthy food and healthy people. The foundation of our health is the food we eat, yet we have depleted soils. Camilla Sherr tells us how to keep our plants and gardens in tip-top health with homeopathy.

Something in the water

Long before fluoridation of public water systems there was already a drastic reduction in dental caries, largely due improved living conditions. Adding fluoride and chlorine to water supplies has turned out to be a killing combo for your thyroid.

Of pesticides and PMS

Case study : Detoxing from hormone-disrupting herbicide, along with getting the right nutrition, was the answer to a patient’s debilitating PMS. It turns out the patient had a high level of weed-killer glyphosate, a well-known endocrine disruptor.

May 2023 issue

Overweight – the killer in plain sight

It’s said that being overweight or even slightly obese protects us against and early death. But iron out the anomalies and the risk of premature death rises 91%. Obesity is now responsible for 10.7 million deaths every year.

Antidepressant blues

Psychiatry is in crisis. SSRIs impair the brain’s reward learning system, new research finds. The health of the brain depends directly on the health of the body it’s high time we considered safe ways of getting off antidepressants.

Foods to fight infertility

Packing your diet with plant foods may help you beat endometriosis and infertility, says dietician Lisa Simon. The basis rule is to ‘eat the rainbow’ and include as many different coloured fruits and vegetables as you can in your diet.

Breaking the mould

Mould can be the covert culprit behind shocking number of health problems, chronic symptoms that range from headaches and fatigue to brain fog. Cate Montana looks at how it gets into the body and reports what can be done.

The needle and the damage done

Case study. Getting to the root cause of a young patient’s hair loss, headaches and fatigue helped get her health back on track, says Dr Jenny Goodman. All had been well until the girl was given the HPV jab at the age of 13.

April 2023 issue

5G hits legal hurdle

A UK legal challenge could make governments directly responsible for any health problems caused by the superfast 5G mobile phone network. 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries are calling for a moratorium.

Bundles of Energy

Electromagnetic and other energies are vital to more than technology. They are essential to life. Rob Verkerk explores a range of frequency devices and the evidence their manufacturers do or don’t disclose to back up their claims.

Activating the love nerve

The vagus nerve, the longest nerve in the body, controls our fight-or-flight response and gets knocked out of kilter after serious trauma has taken place. Cate Montana investigates the vagus nerve treatments that restore calm.

After 50, muscle is a girl’s best friend

According to Debra Atkinson, strength training is much more important than aerobics after menopause. Exercise that increases lean muscle mass will not only improve body composition but also eases menopause symptoms.

Your herbal medicine chest

An adapted excerpt from The Virus and the Host by noted American naturopath and herbalist Dr Chlebowski. Here he presents the best herbs to use for a detoxing and invigorating spring clean – ideal for all-purpose healing.

March 2023 issue

Autism and the SSRI connection

SSRI antidepressants taken in pregnancy are amplifying the affects of inflammation in the depressed mother-to-be, introducing a toxic mix that affects foetal development and increases chances of autism in the child.

DSMO: the pulp fix-it

Health officials shelved and long-ignored this old all-purpose ointment, made from wood pulp, but science suggests it could be a powerful healer. Over 40,000 studies reference DMSO but most doctors know nothing about it.

Overcoming infertility

At least 50% of “unexplained” fertility is male factor infertility. Dr Jenny Goodman identified a factor many people don’t suspect: low quality sperm due to nutritional deficiencies. It’s also a likely factor in miscarriages.

Micro miracles with enzyme therapy

In the best circumstances, your body can make all the systemic enzymes it needs. But if it uses up its reserves, it can no longer heal or rebuild itself effectively. Dr Ellen Cutler has a remedy for stubborn digestive issues.

The Big Bad 3

Even health food stores could still be hiding health killers. For instance, on study found those taking over 21% of their calories as sugar were twice as likely to suffer cardiovascular mortality as those consuming 7% or less.

February 2023 issue (Cancer Special)

Running away from cancer

Those taking part in high-intensity aerobic exercise are stopping cancers from spreading, heralding a new approach that could make it less of a killer. They have 72% fewer metastatic cancers than those who remain sedentary.

Uncovering the power of peels

Celeste McGovern investigates how a pectin derived from citrus fruit quashes a “rogue” molecule that is the driver of inflammation of the heart in many disorders, including cancer and heart disease.

Food as medicine

Dr Jerry Thompson, a noted member of the British Society of Ecological Medicine, confirms the old Hippocratic adage “Let food be thy medicine”, particularly when it comes to cancer. He reveals the friends and foes.

Healing cancer

Dr Erin Connealy is medical director of the largest integrative/functional clinic in North America. Here she suggests supplements that support nutrition and the immune system and combat whatever the type of cancer.

A needle in time

Women and men are increasing going in for surgical and other “Tweakments” to make themselves look younger but acupuncturists are employing a 3,000 year old alternative, the latest in facial acupuncture.

January 2023 issue

A healthy diet beats drugs to combat heart disease

Adopting a healthier diet is more effective at preventing heart disease than taking medication, say researchers at the University of California. Changing what you eat is the single best thing you can do.

Looking after your lymphatic system

Your lymphatic system is your major detoxing organ, but if it overfills, you can suffer from a raft of conditions. Cate Montana explains traditional approaches that can keep things moving.

Staving off dementia

Falling to pieces in old age is not inevitable says neurologist Robert Friedland. Celeste McGovern investigates his diet and lifestyle tips to stave off age related dementia and grow old gracefully.

COVID tactics are silencing science

Doctors and scientists have had their homes invaded, faced imprisonment and lost their jobs because they questioned the Covid-19 narrative. All this by authorities working hand-in-hand with government and media.

Beating adrenal fatigue

Noted naturopath Dr Sarah Myhill and Craig Robinson offer a do-it-yourself regime for when your adrenals aren’t up to par. Extracted from the book The Underactive Thyroid: Do It Yourself because Your Doctor Won’t.

November/December 2022 issue

Fasting away Lyme disease

A woman’s Lyme disease was so debilitating she couldn’t get out of bed… until she discovered a remarkable therapy, dry fasting, that’s been practised in Russia for years. Her symptoms disappeared.

Reversing type 2 diabetes

A patient had tried metformin and it had lowered his blood sugar, but he became nauseated, had gut ache and a strange taste in his mouth. A radical change of diet and lifestyle solved everything.

Stung by the Jab?

Millions of people have reported unexpected reactions following Covid-19 shots. This article investigates the landscape of Covid vaccine injury and the potential for effective treatments. Help is on the way.

A 14-hour gap between meals is the best way to lose weight

The ideal is to eat breakfast at 7:00am and your last meal at 3:00pm say researchers at the University of Alabama. Combined with a calorie-controlled diet you can lose a stone in 14 weeks.

Why red meat is bad for the heart

The problem has nothing to do with fats and cholesterol. The meat starts a sequence in the gut that has a bigger impact on cardiovascular disease than any other factor, the biggest culprit being TMAO.

October 2022 issue

Overcoming a hemorrhagic stroke

A woman who defied all predictions that she’d be four months in a rehab hospital was back walking normally in two weeks. Cate Montana reveals how she overcame the deadliest of all strokes.

Covid vaccines more dangerous than the virus

A new analysis has confirmed that you are twice as likely to end up in hospital from a serious adverse reaction to one of the main Covid vaccines than you are from the virus itself. What’s going on?

One in five hospital admissions is caused by polypharmacy

Nearly 20% of people needing hospital care have reacted badly to taking multiple prescription drugs. According to the NHS, around 10% of drugs should never have been prescribed.

Worried about dementia? Stop eating pizza

A big factor in contracting dementia can be the amount of processed food you eat. Researchers say that for every 10% rise in the amount consumed, dementia risk rises by 25%.

Alcohol is good for you – as long as you are over 40

A little alcohol is good for you, but only if you’re over the age of 40. If you’re younger, no amount is safe. At age 40, a small glass of red wine could help reduce the risk of heart disease.

September 2022 issue

Vaccinated children still getting measles

Vaccines are supposed to prevent us from getting a disease but that hasn’t been the case with Covid-19… or the MMR jab which isn’t always preventing children from contracting measles.

How the FDA overlooked vital Covid-19 studies

New research suggests that drug regulators, such as America’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), failed to follow up with volunteers and didn’t record adverse reactions.

Mind your back

Fat around our stomach puts enormous pressure on our spine. A leading spinal surgeon illustrates the problem by using everyday objects to drive home the message.

HRT: The full story

Hormone replacement therapy has just undergone a renaissance,  and some are even claiming it prevents Alzheimer’s disease. Or is it just one giant experiment?

A holiday gone wrong

A walk through a peach orchard led to severe exhaustion, respiratory disruption, and brain fog. Beware of pesticides, says Dr Jenny Goodman, they are neurotoxins that derive from nerve gas.

July/August 2022 issue

Painkillers can cause long-term pain

Painkillers such as NSAIDs and steroids may give immediate relief but they could lead to long-term chronic pain. They interfere with the body’s inflammatory response for repairing damaged tissues.

Greens help lift the blues

Depression could be eased by shifting to a healthier diet. Young men who started eating a Mediterranean diet – with emphasis on vegetables, oily fish and olive oil – saw their depression lift.

Covid vaccines increase rates of heart inflammation

Swedish researchers say Covid vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer increase the risk of dangerous heart inflammation in men up to 24 years of age, by 14 times more and 5 times more respectively.

Mind over grey matter

A Carnegie Mellon University study showed that Meditation practices such as mindfulness may help slow cognitive decline for those at risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. We also need social interaction.

What REALLY causes cancer?

Cancer is rarely genetic – It’s much more often caused by environmental factors. Cancer specialist Dr Leigh Erin Connealy offers a long list of major cancer triggers you’d be best advised to avoid.

June 2022 issue

Reverse Failing Eyesight

Macular degeneration and glaucoma were once thought to be irreversible but new light-based therapies not only slow the “inevitable” progression, they could even be turning it around.

The End of Psychiatry?

Psychiatry can no longer agree on how mental disorders originate, how to treat them, or even whether they exist at all. What could replace the present range of chemical treatments?

The Top Cancer Screening Tests

Dr Leigh Erin Connealy lists the range of tests for catching cancer early, discusses personalised options, and offers her typical treatment plans.

Covid Immunity News

Shhhh, don’t tell the pharmaceutical industry but according to the figures, natural immunity is twice as effective as any vaccine at fighting and combatting Covid-19. Even broccoli works as well.

The Hormone Doctor

If too much “fight or flight” stress sends your cortisol levels through the roof, Dr Shaw Tassone has a range of natural supplements that could supply the answer.

Recovering from Multiple Sclerosis

Dedication to a detox program and healthy lifestyle is hard work, but it can be life-changing for those with chronic illness. Dr Jenny Goodman describes her work and the opportunities.